We are more than a Marine Hardware Company

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A secure physical environment is the first line of defense in pharmacy security. Basic security systems in pharmacies that guard against physical loss of controlled substances and prevent employee theft include safes and locked cabinets, camera systems, and alarms. Alarm systems with multiple panic buttons and remote triggers should be considered for staff to keep on their person.

Prevention Techniques to Keep Your Boat Secure

boat secure, 2021 trends, fishing, bass fishing, fishing facts

Last week we fielded a call from a person whose fishing boat was broken into, and all the equipment was stolen. The boat hatches were locked, but the latches were broken. The customer said he filed an insurance claim for $8,000! That got us thinking, and we started to investigate how much an average angler has invested in their equipment.
Based on our research, a rough estimate to replace most fishing gear is close to $6,000!

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Watertight Locks & Latches For 2.5″ Mounting Holes

SL 1000 water tight top strength locks

The watertight SL1000SS  stainless steel lock latch (and its sister non-locking latch, the SN1000SS), along with the SE1000SS electric locking latch, used with the Key Captain boat remote locking and control system, is a dual-function …

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